Friday, January 16, 2009

Why is it harder to follow a diet the day after weigh in. I guess because you have a little relief that you made it through weigh in and saw a negative on the scale. Now I am trying to increase my water intake. I am suceeding but I am also having more trips to the little girls room. Or maybe I should say not so little girls room. Because if I was a little girl all of this would be a mute point because I wouldnt be dieting if I was little now would I? OK lack of food is causing me to ramble. Either way its more steps. And more steps equals more activity. So I guess water consumption is a double benefit. And goodness knows when it comes to exercise I can use all the help I can get. Any step forward is progress right? Now I have to find a place I can walk that is indoors (I dont like walking in the cold) and I dont want to walk at night. Unless I want to put Torque on a leash and fight her every step of the way. Hey that would be extra exercise wouldnt it? Maybe thats an idea after all. Hey I am thinking positive.

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